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25 January, 2025
Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine
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Liberal perspective for Ukraine

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What does our country look like today? It's large. It's beautiful. It's ours.
There are many tragic and beautiful events in Ukrainian history. But in the past there's always something that can separate the nation. These are characters, losses, suffering, dreams that didn't come true. They are hard to forgive, they are hard to forget.

But whatever difficult the way of nation's unification might be, we must pass through it together. And for this sake it should be understood – the perspective is not in seeking of mistakes, not in punishment of those who are guilty or carrying burden of past on our shoulders. It's in common goals, common vision of the perspective that can unite the nation and make all of us partners in creating our future.

One can describe Ukraine's perspective in fantastic pictures of total happiness and abundance. And Ukraine will surely become such! But the thing is that miracles happen in tales only when a magician makes a spell. In life, miracles happen more often, especially when a person quits relying on a fabulous magician and starts changing outward things.

Such changes are only possible in case if one starts from himself. If he learns to feel himself free, value his dignity and life, respect his rights and rights of other people.

We want to learn it together with you. Not at theoretical studies but at practical examples that all of us face every day in life. Our project "Liberal perspective for Ukraine" is called to all of us, to look at ourselves, at other people, see how authorities and business treat every single citizen and what relations between them should look like.

The Project is based on little stories from our lives that we write together with you. In these stories, one can see the pictures of these days, and what we can make of them tomorrow. The subjects are called upon to open the main point of our relations with the state, government, citizen community in our country. The main task of the project is to teach us how to be free, how to be the master of your life, to cultivate one's feeling of dignity and responsibility.

We hope that you will participate in this project and maybe propose us your those "little stories" and examples, in which one will see the gist of the changes which will enable the wonders of our future to become apparent and obvious for everyone.




Today, to start and successfully develop a private business, it's not enough to be an astute businessman with good skills, strong feeling of taking risks, deep knowledge in economics and market specifics. Much more important is to have close acquaintances among politicians and officials, to find one's bearings in political events not worse than many other experienced politicians.
You turn on your TV set. Acording to TV programme there should be some nice hollywood action movie or French comedy. You want to relax. But from the very first scenes you realize that it's going to be a problem. All movies are translated into Ukrainian. Broadcaster is reading a text you have to listen very attentively, because your mother toungue and language of communication is Russian. Relaxation process failed.
You have violated traffic regulations and stopped by a policeman. He informs you about the paragraph you have violated; at the same time he craftily points out that the extent of the fine to be imposed is defined by the legislation and it swinging between 17 and 34 hrns. And he is right. The legislation gives him the right to define the extent of the fine.
You have bought a pasteboard in advance. You paid your money for it. You changed your mind and return the ticket. Today they compensate you only half of the money. Why? What you are punished for? Who held your money all this time?
Like many of citizens of our country, you were not indifferent to Eurovision, and you participated in election of Ukraine's representative at this context. But the great chief – vice-prime-minister Mykola Tomenko decided in his own way, and Grindjoly turned out to be your representatives.
There's a first-form boy in your family. Which school should he go? There is a poor district school near. There also rich private schools and colleges, but you don't have money to pay them.
You have been freezing up to death all winter, you haven't used your elevator, there was no repair works in you building as long as you live there. You have received your bill for housing and communal services. Today you have to choose - to feel youself stupid paying this bill or become a criminal refusing to pay for these services.

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