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10 December, 2024
Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine
UKR     RUS     ENG
Liberty for everyone is the foundation of freedom for all

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Chairman of the party
From 1990 - member of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine (LDPU), from 1992 - LDPU vice-chairman, 2012 - elected the Chairman of LDPU on alternative principles.
Composition of Coordination Council approved by the X LDPU Congress on 26.02.2005
In the period between Congresses Coordination Council is a governing and regulatory body of the Party. Numericial composition of Coordinating Council is determined by Congress. Coordination Council Members according to their positions are: - Chairman of the Party; - Co-chairmen; - vice-chairman of the party; - chiefs of LDPU's regioan organizations. Other members of Coordination Council elected by Congress. Under the instruction LDPU Congress in the case of necessaty Coordination Council at one of it's meetings is able to change it's structure, but not more that 30% of the total number.

03.03.2022  20:09
War of free world with totalitarian - war of ideas, war of people
Party news
08.11.2023  16:31 / Comments
Historic decision!
Liberalism: theory and practice
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© 2005 Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine.