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16.03.2018 15:04
LDPU Coordination Council conference on March 16, 2018
09.08.2016 17:07
The head of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine (LDPU) Yakiv Goldenberg met with Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Afghanistan (Afghanistan National Congress) Issa Isakzayem and vice-chairman of this party Rasul Abdul Kadir. Liberal leaders to discuss continuation of friendly contacts between the parties.
15.12.2014 12:56
At the 2014 Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, delegates from across Europe, from ALDE Party member parties and individual members, looked outward and explored the ideological maps of Liberalism to find new ways of taking forward our ideas and values.
15.10.2010 21:39
The Congress of the ELDR Party adopted today in Helsinki, Finland a comprehensive policy proposal responding to Europe's greatest challenge of the 21st Century: Demographic change!
01.02.2006 13:20
Inter-party conference of election block of "Kyiv civil activists union" took place in Kyiv. Eleection program, executive boards of the block and the list of candidates for block deputies were adopted at the conference.
25.12.2005 17:04
Today, December 25 XII Congress of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine took place in Congress center of President Hotel "Kyivsky".
22.12.2005 18:03
LDPU's press service officially informs Mass Media that XII Congress of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine will take place in Congress centre of President Hotel "Kyivsky" on Gospitalna str. 12 on December 25, 2005
20.12.2005 19:45
On December 20, 2005 Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine officialy informed Central election comission of Ukraine on the creation of regional election blocks formed by local organizations of the party.
18.12.2005 16:41
On December 18 Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year held XI Congress.
16.12.2005 15:17
Member of LDPU's Coordination Council Volodymyr Timonin participated in round table discussion within the frames of The First International conference "Perspectives of development of social control in the system of criminal punishment in Ukraine", which took place in Kyiv .
15.12.2005 19:36
Today your party enters election campaign - 2006 in Ukraine. We hope you acquire good experiance during this campaign and wish you glorious win. Good luck!
13.12.2005 16:17
The chairman of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn and the chairman of Progressive Liberal-Democratic Party of Israel Olexandr Redko met in Kyiv earlier today.
06.12.2005 19:27
On behalf of liberal democrats LDPU's central office congratulates the Chairman of Party of Legal Protection and his wife Tatyana on the birth of son (3,280)!
03.12.2005 19:15
The conference of Coordination Concil of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine took place in Kyiv today, December 3. During the confernce the questions of blocking (creation of blocks) and formation of election lists for campaign-2006 have been concidered.
02.12.2005 15:19
Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine received letter of congratulations on the 15th anniversary from their Azerbaijan colligues - Liberal-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan.
28.11.2005 19:27
Press-service of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine announces the date of the XI Party Congress. On the initiative of Igor Dushyn - the chairman of Lideral-Democratic Party of Ukraine celebrations of LDPU's 15th annivensary will take place in Kyiv on December 17 after the XI Party Congress.
21.11.2005 18:11
British Council in Ukraine together with John Smith Memorial Fund sent Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine an official proposal for the party members to participate in John Smith's training program 2006
17.11.2005 19:42
Kyiv city organization of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine examined situation around reconstruction of one of Pechersk blocks. According to the decision of organizing committee of occupants' general meeting, inhabitants of this block are planning to block off traffic on Bastionna, Kikvidze, Kateryna Bilokur and Podvysocky streets on November 18.
17.11.2005 17:05
Igor Dushyn - son and grandson of the Great Patriotic War veterans, the head of Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine considers that the idea of conciliation of GPW veterans and members of national liberation movement is a political mistake.
11.11.2005 15:42
Closer to the parliamentary elections LDPU's central office changed its location on the 14th of November.
03.11.2005 17:29
LDPU's regional organizations decided to follow the example of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine in holding open contests.
02.11.2005 18:43
On Wednesday November 2, Liberal block in cooperation with Institute of Liberalism conducted round table discussion "The fate of political reform in Ukraine" in Ukrainian House. Representatives of different political parties, deputies and scientist participated in the discussion.
31.10.2005 13:36
Solemn awarding of prize-winners of "The best liberal slogan" open contest took place in Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine" headquarters on Friday, October 28.
27.10.2005 21:15
We are glad to report you about the results of "The best liberal slogan contest".
22.10.2005 23:29
LDPU lanches open contest for the best liberal slogan. Three award-winners of the contesn get interesting libeerral prizes, and the first place winner gets a barrel of beer.
18.10.2005 22:01
On Monday 17, the chairman of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn was admitted as a honorary member of "Odessa citizens' union" The head of the union Volodymyr Rondin presented the head of LDPU his identity document.
18.10.2005 19:27
Conference "Liberal perspective in young democracy countries" posponed approximately till February. Such decision was adopted on Monday October 17, at the meeting of senatus academicusof Institute of Liberalism.
17.10.2005 14:30
On Saturday 15, an agreement on foundation of liberal election block "Odessa citizens' union" was officially signed in Odessa. The foundators of the block are Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine, Liberal Party of Ukraine and Odessa citizens' union.
10.10.2005 16:04
On October 8 the first stage of project seminar "Political initiative in Crimea" took place in Sevostopol. The main aim of the seminar is to work out conceptual recommendations for forming of pre-elections campaign of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine in Crimea.
06.10.2005 22:48
Institute of Liberalism together with liberal parties of Ukraine held "round table" "Liberalism as a model of economic development of Ukraine: problems and perspectives" in Ukrainian House today.
05.10.2005 18:40
On October 4 declaration of the principles of partnership between Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine and public organization "Regional union "Zaporizhzhya - our city" was signed.
03.10.2005 17:58
On October 6, 2005 Institute of liberalism together with liberal parties of Ukraine holds "round table": "Liberalism as a model of economic development of Ukraine: problems and perspectives” in Media-centre of Ukrainian House.
28.09.2005 20:49
On September 27 meeting of steering committee of Liberal electoral block was held. The representatives of political parties who initiated the creation of liberal electoral block participated in the meeting.
19.09.2005 13:20
Today, on September, 19 press conference of three political parties leaders, who initiated the formation of liberal electoral block for elections 2006 took place in informational agency "Unian". Chairman of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn, chairman of Party of Legal Protection Denis Kostrzhevsky, and chairman of Liberal Party of Ukraine Petro Tsyghanko participated in the conference.
17.09.2005 16:18
On Saturday, the 17th of September Coordination Council conference took place in LDPU's central office.
16.09.2005 17:06
LDPU leader Igor Dushyn took the floor at the opening of legal advocacy organizations Forum, which took place in House of Federation of Labor Unions of Ukraine. The participants of the Forum signed Common agreement on mutual cooperation among legal advocacy organizations, political parties and community leaders.
14.09.2005 21:38
On Saturday 17.09.2005 next meeting of Coordination Council, the party's executive board, will take place in pre-election headquarters. In distinction from presious ones the results of the meeting will be placed at forum page for common consideration.
08.09.2005 16:01
At requests of party members and site visitors the calendar of holding elections 2006.
07.09.2005 20:27
All-Ukrainian inetr-party conference "Elections-2006" took place in Ukrainsky Dom on September 7, 2005. The main aim of the conference was the discussion on presidential initiative concerning rise of passing barrier on elections 2006.
02.09.2005 18:49
Dear entrepreneurs of Ukraine! In todays situation I have nothing to felicitate you with...
31.08.2005 20:39
Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine felicitates all teachers, students, schoolchildren and their parents with Knowledge Day. The school is the unforgettable moment in everybody's life, and it ties up a lot of splendid reminiscences and endures.
29.08.2005 15:25
On August, 27 our pin-up mass-media manager Olena Markosyan celebrates her birthday. On this occasion, all the Party members join numerous graters from friends, relatives and colleagues
26.08.2005 22:18
At the meeting of "People parliament" coalition, which took place on Friday in LDPU central office, it was decided to establish organization committee for holding of all-Ukrainian inter-party conference "Election-2006", that is expected to take place on 8th of September, 2005.
22.08.2005 14:31
On 19th of August, 2005 official opening of regional office of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine was held in Sevastopol. The Chairman of LDPU Igor Dushyn and the Chairman of Sevastopol municipal organization Pavlo Ulyanov in presence of guests and journalists cut the symbolic ribbon.
18.07.2005 14:53
On Saturday, 16th of July, representatives of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine at the Chairman with their leader Igor Dushyn took part in IV conference of Industrials and entrepreneurs party of Ukraine that was held in Zhovtnevyi palace of our capital.
15.07.2005 19:28
Kyiv municipal organization of LDPU came out with initiative of carrying out a poll, results of which may considerably help in preparing and carrying out the future election campaign.
12.07.2005 20:07
Tomorrow, on 13th of July at 18.30, in liberal club of LDPU Chairmanquarters to the address 20/8, Institutskaya of.11, the meeting of Kyiv municipal organization members will take place.
07.07.2005 18:50
On behalf of members of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine we congratulate the Chairman of our party Igor Dushyn with his birthday! We strongly believe that your purposefulness and activity showed in political field, in future will contribute to reaching of our mutual generous goal – successful life in independent Ukraine
05.07.2005 20:48
Tomorrow, on 6th of July at â 18.30, in liberal club of LDPU Chairmanquarters to the address 20/8, Institutskaya of.11, the meeting of Kyiv municipal organization members will take place.
01.07.2005 19:55
Chairman of Igor Dushyn and representatives of the new active of LPU Petro Tsyganko (the new LPU Chairman) and Yuriy Senyuk (Chairman of regions council of LPU).
30.06.2005 18:06
On 26th of June, the inhabitants and guests of Sevastopol were attracted to Nakhimov square – the favorite pleasure resort for city inhabitants – with inflammatory music, cheerful voices and laughter.
29.06.2005 14:12
Today, on June, 26 at 18.30, in liberal club of LDPU pre-election headquarters to the address 20/8, Institutskaya of.11, the meeting of Kyiv municipal organization members will take place.
22.06.2005 15:16
Today, on 22nd of June at 18.30, in liberal club of LDPU pre-election headquarters to the address 20/8, Institutskaya of.11, the meeting of Kyiv municipal organization members will take place.
17.06.2005 21:24
On Friday, the 17th of June, 2005 in central office of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine the round table was held. At the meeting, research assistants of Institute of social technologies had submitted for consideration the work "The status of Russian language in Ukraine" (Book-learning research).
16.06.2005 17:50
On Tuesday, the 15th of June, in central office of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine, party conference of Kyiv municipal organization of LDPU.
14.06.2005 18:21
On 8th of June, 2005 Kyiv organization of LDPU held round table on preparing to hold region conference.
13.06.2005 17:36
At conference of coordination council of all-Ukrainian social and politic organization "For people's freedom!" that took place last Friday in Kyiv, the leader of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn carried out presentation of project "Organization of effective cooperation of authority and public community".
08.06.2005 17:39
Now there's a forum on our site. Useful thoughts, sound critics, constructive suggestions and pluralism of opinions are welcome.
08.06.2005 13:59
After concordance of positions upon key questions on 6th of June, 2005 Kyiv municipal organization of LDPU had signed the agreement on establishing Kyiv municipal union "Za volyu narodu".
06.06.2005 15:27
The Chairman of Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn advocates for a constructive dialogue between authority and business. He expressed this point at social and politic hearings of "Za volyu narodu" union that were held in Kyiv.
03.06.2005 16:10
On 31st of May, 2005 the meeting of political parties and social organization took place concerning establishing of Kyiv municipal association "Za volyu narodu".
02.06.2005 19:01
The meeting of Chairmans of five all-Crimean political parties took place in Simferopol - Industrials and Eneterpreneurs Party of Ukraine Chairmaned by O.Batalin, Party of National and Economic Development of Ukraine Chairmaned by M.Barylyuk, Democratic Party of Ukraine Chairmaned by S.Kozachenko, Party of Pensioners of Ukraine Chairmaned by O.Orlovskiy, Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine Chairmaned by O.Klymchuk.
02.06.2005 16:11
On the 1st of June, 2005 ðîêó by Verkhovnaya Rada a numerous meeting of political parties and organizations went off for cancellation of passing barrier and money pledge on future elections to Verkhovnaya Rada.
30.05.2005 14:17
On May 28th, 2005 Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine arranged and open house for regions of Ukraine. Representatives of most regions of Ukraine arrived for presentation of project "Liberal perspective-2006"
26.05.2005 21:23
Today leaders of political parties signed the appeal to people's deputies of Ukraine as to support in election for bill N7428, which provides cancellation of 3% barrier and money pledge.
26.05.2005 20:24
On Saturday, May 28 Liberal-democratic party of Ukraine, at wish of representatives of regions of Ukraine which showed interest in project "Liberal perspective-2006", will arrange the open house.
26.05.2005 14:13
Today, on May 26, in "Rus" hotel's apartments the all-Ukrainian conference of political parties is being hold
24.05.2005 21:13
"Literature is the basis of culture, the achievement of mankind, which is being respected and developed by all those who are involved into creation and cultivation of knowledge, who believe in triumph of light and good" – the congratulation says.
21.05.2005 21:20
Today in central office of LDPU the open house took place, where the perspectives of liberal democrats of Ukraine on future parliamentary elections were highlighted
20.05.2005 19:53
As a result of work meeting of representatives of 12 political parties which took place on 17th of May, today in UNIAN inform agency the conference of political parties' coalition was held, the main topic of which was the liquidation of passing barrier to Verkhovnaya Rada of Ukraine
19.05.2005 21:54
On 17th of May, 2005 a work meeting of representatives of 12 political parties of Ukraine went off, the result of which was making of some important decisions. The main topic of this meeting was the question of cancellation of election barrier.
14.05.2005 22:11
Liberal democrats of Ukraine support protest action that was held by members of political party "Union of anarchists of Ukraine" demanding cancellation of election barrier.
11.05.2005 18:22
Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine congratulates their British associates with undoubted success at last elections.
28.04.2005 21:28
Liberal-democratic party of Azerbaijan had expressed the wish to participate in organization and holding of the international round table "Liberal perspectives at post-Soviet space", which will take place in autumn, 2005 in Kyiv. Hereof is said in the letter of LDPA leader Fuad Aliev to the Chairman of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn.
26.04.2005 23:43
On 26th of April, at UNIAN inform agency a common press-conference of the Chairman of Liberal-Democratic Party of Ukraine Igor Dushyn and the Chairman of Progressive Liberal-Democratic Party of Israel Alexander Redko.
24.04.2005 00:54
Liberal democrats of Ukraine approvingly apprehend propagation of liberal values and ideas in our country.
24.04.2005 00:51
On April, 23 in House of trade unions the conference of parties and public organizations of Ukraine was held, at which is was decided to establish public-political union "Za volyu narodu!". ![]() |
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